Book: Better Embedded System Software

Better Embedded System Software
Author: Philip Koopman
ISBN-13: 978-0-9844490-0-2

This book was required for the graduate level Embedded Systems class I took in the Spring of 2011, though not strictly necessary to the course. The book covers an array of helpful details in nicely broken down chunks, which makes the book very easy for a reader to consume. The material is presented in a way which is easy to understand. I often found myself having completed a section which I had set to be a goal for my reading allotment, and figuring “why not continue on?”. I felt as though I learned or re-enforced something with every section.

Topics covered in the book range from design, to documentation, to coding practices, to validation. Each chapter is broken down into sections: Summary, Overview, Importance, Symptoms, Risks, Discussion, Summary Boxes, Pitfalls, and More Information. The sections help to build a structure for the reader to know what to expect as they read and later to find useful information as they return to find bits they read earlier.

I would recommend this book to all software engineers as a great resource that should be read at least once.

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